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Charles Follett

What can annual physicals teach us about improving performance?

Once a year, most of us schedule a physical. We do it without giving it a second thought because it ‘just makes good sense’. We go because we want to detect anything unusual, before it evolves into something more serious. Wouldn’t it seem logical for business executives to want to do the same for detecting cultural issues before they become toxic?

Today’s physicians rely on data analytics from tests done on blood and other body functions because what can be revealed about health goes well beyond what they can detect from listening to your heart and lungs. Unlike doctors of old, today’s doctor relies more on data analytics from what cannot be seen than what is superficially visible.

As a senior executive, are you like the doctors of old; relying on superficial information in terms of what is going on in your organization? At Business Ingenuity, we’ve come up with a way to help you with data analytics that are the company’s life blood; the views of your people with respect to the company’s vision, objectives, performance indicators, and organizational design. These elements and how they come together form the ‘north star’ that guides what they do day to day.

We invite you to take a closer look by watching this brief video .

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